
My Blog

Authentic Connections, Boundaries, and Relationships

Handling Holiday Stress đź’Ą If You Are A People Pleaser boundaries emotional health perspective self-improvement Dec 01, 2021

Holidays are a magical time of year AND an incredibly stressful time of year. Many of us look forward to our family traditions, holiday parties, decorating, and gift giving. But, in order to do all these things, we feel like we have to squeeze them into our normally hectic, busy schedules AND get it...

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Could being curious help your relationship? perspective relationships self-improvement Jul 10, 2021

Child’s play is something anyone can do, and yet usually, only children do it. We equate child’s play with something simple and easy. Wouldn’t it be awesome if hard things in life were more like “child’s play?” 

What if child’s play could make something like your relationship easier? Wouldn’t THAT ...

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Two Easy Suggestions for Making Valentine’s Day Special perspective relationships self-improvement Feb 12, 2021

Many people dismiss Valentine’s Day as a Hallmark holiday. But, let’s think about this for a minute. It’s a lot more than just a money-making scheme for a big corporation. Valentine's day has been around since before the Middle Ages. If it has been celebrated in some way for the last several hundred...

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Lying and Truth Telling for Effective Communication Guide boundaries relationships self-improvement Dec 17, 2020

What lying is and how to tell the truth

Connie could tell something was wrong. Her boyfriend of 5 years seemed more distant but denied anything was going on. When she asked what was wrong, he said everything was fine. Then one day she found a stack of papers he had left out on the counter. The pape...

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The Process of Improving Self-Worth and Confidence + *Free* Building Self-Worth Worksheet self-improvement Sep 29, 2020

Have you noticed that when you feel disconnected from a primary partnership it naturally generates questions of your value? It’s common to wonder if you matter or what’s wrong with you.

As children, we don’t naturally know who we are or what we are capable of. We learn who we are through conversati...

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Four Life Lessons From My Dog life lessons perspective self-improvement Aug 22, 2020

Meet my German Shepherd, Echo. He’s loyal and bonded to me. He is also protective and shows good judgment about other people. His favorite activity is to catch or fetch balls I throw for him. He does it like it’s his job — with intensity and passion. Echo sets a good example for us all. Here are jus...

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