
My Blog

Authentic Connections, Boundaries, and Relationships

Is It Possible to Overcome People-Pleasing? people pleasing people-pleasers Jun 16, 2024

The short answer is yes, you can overcome people-pleasing. As you work to overcome people-pleasing you will be challenged and you will become more confident.

Overcoming people-pleasing is challenging because doing things differently will make you feel scared and anxious–it goes against your...

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The Secret Connection Between People-Pleasing and Your Emotions people pleasing people-pleasers perspective self-improvement Jun 12, 2024

Many years ago I was at a self-development conference and the speaker said, “The quality of your life will depend on the amount of uncertainty you can tolerate.”

That quote stuck with me. I attended the conference in the early days of grad school and I often thought about how my...

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How Self-Reflection Will Help You Overcome People-Pleasing emotional health people pleasing perspective self-improvement Jun 09, 2024

Turn your overthinking into self-reflection and overcome your people-pleasing habit.

If you are a people-pleaser, one of the things you do is overthink. 

  • You think about what others think of you a lot.
  • You worry whether someone is upset with you a lot.
  • You ruminate on how you could have...
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Self-Criticism and How to Overcome It effective communication people pleasing people-pleasers May 31, 2024

Are you tired of constantly falling short of expectations, whether set by society or yourself? 

Do you find yourself criticizing your every move, appearance, or achievement? 

Have you noticed that this habit of self-criticism is affecting your relationships and overall well-being?


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Release the Need for Approval and Loving Who You Are boundaries effective communication people pleasing May 23, 2024

In a world where we often seek validation from others to feel good about ourselves, the journey towards self-acceptance and releasing the need for approval is crucial. How usually do we rely on others to affirm our worthiness, measuring our value by external standards? 

The quest for...

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A Guide to Setting Boundaries boundaries people pleasing self-improvement May 22, 2024

I'm excited to share insights on a topic that's made a big difference in my life: setting boundaries. In a deep-dive conversation, I sat down with Melissa Wolak, an expert in boundary-setting.

Melissa highlighted that boundaries aren't just about saying nothey're a big yes to...

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